This is my final design for my magazine.
I have included everything that a normal front cover of a magazine would have and I made it mine. I have done research on several magazines such as, NME, KERRANG and VOGUE. I had gathered some ideas also from my own imagination and magazines I have read in the past.
In this front cover, I have used a font called 'Bauhaus 93' for my mast head and 'TW Cen Met' for the text inside the mast head. My background is a photo that I had taken myself. The person is Sasha Lashkariani. I had used Photoshop and edited the picture to give it a vintage looking look because I did some research on 15-17 year olds and it shows that they are trying to bring vintage back! What I did on photoshop was change the colour curves hence making it look like an old photo.
Also, to make the photo stand out I have also bent the text so it wraps around the main image and makes the whole magazine much clearer.
On the bottom right, I have included a pull quote and a graphic. I used a pull quote because it mixes in with the image I have next to it, which is about my other model, Ozge Altinok and her camera. Yet again, I have manipulated an image of her on Photoshop to give it some sort of 'vintage' look and also, I added a polaroid frame around it for more effect.
In the near bottom middle, I have added some text saying 'NMBEC'S PROSPECTS' using the same font but with different condensity and boldness. I also made the text collide with each other a bit because this adds an effect to make it look modern and not out-dated and made the colours different so it would be the next thing you would look at after the title to ensure the readers that it is a school related magazine.
Barcodes, prices, dates and months have also been added for realistic purposes.
On the middle right and middle left of the magazine you can see some plugs of the magazine. I did this to give the target audience a sneak preview of what they are about to read. This is a very useful technique as everybody wants to know what they are buying! I had used the same font for all text here but again, different condensity types and boldness; for example 'TIPS' was written in 'TW Cen MET Condensed Extra Bold' and 'Lashkariani' was written in 'TW Cen MET Condensed'.
I have also photoshopped out a bar inbetween the mast head of the letters F and E. It was a green bar as you could see in my previous covers and I thought it would take away the attention from my front cover.
Finally, on the left side you will notice that it says 'EXCLUSIVE' this is yet again to catch the reader's eyes and underneath it, it tells us that the magazine uncovers how different A-Levels are compared to GCSEs. I have also used a technique called 'Puff' to boost it's status so the article would seem much more interesting as the readers see on the front cover.
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